The popular show Breaking Bad recently started a debate about the main character, Walter White, and his lack of insurance in the face of cancer.
In the show, Walter White was a public school teacher. He had excellent health insurance.
The problem was that he did not have disability insurance to cover his income through his illness and he did not have life insurance to take care of his family and his final expenses after he died.
Most people are very aware of their need for health insurance, but many are not aware of their need for disability insurance and life insurance.
According to the Council for Disability Awareness, just over one in 4 of today’s 20 year olds will become disabled before they retire. Most Americans do not have disability insurance or enough emergency savings to last the average duration of a long-term disability which is 34.6 months.
What would you do if you became sick or hurt and could not work?
What are your chances of becoming disabled? Click the link below to find out then call Cornerstone Insurance Agency at 979.553.4343.