Investors Information
Investors are looking for an insurance specialist who cares about their bottom line and who will provide them with A+ insurance products and service, along with educating them with what they have and do not have. They are looking for a "Trusted Advisor".
Cornerstone Insurance Agency has become a popular resource for real estate investors of all types. With access to over 135 insurers, our vast resources offer many opportunities for properly insuring the assets of investors. With staff members who are also investors, we speak your language!
Your needs are different than the average home owner and our knowledge-base is a huge help in finding the right products to fit the various needs of each investor. Whether you own large commercial buildings, warehouses, apartment complexes, condominiums or high rises buildings, Cornerstone has a market for you.
Cornerstone is active in helping investors from groups like RICH Club and Lifestyles Unlimited find practical ways to streamline their policies, bundle properties together, and save on their bottom line.
Call us at 979.553.4343 for a list of testimonials or a free review of your current portfolio.